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Real Change?

To be a great leader, I think you need to be more than just good at leading. I believe that you need to have some real balance in your life. We have seen some people, who were very talented and led their fields but had empty lives. In fact, some have such an empty life,

Have you ever stopped and really thought about your worth to this world as a human? I don't mean - how do you feel about yourself - which is important, but not my point. How do we calculate our worth? I am not talking about financial worth - I am talking your worth to this world

Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind Faith & Mental Health Article #2 – Real Change is Possible A new word is being thrown around like we are all supposed to know what it means – mindfulness. What exactly does it mean? According to Merriam-Websters Dictionary – mind·​ful·​ness | \ ˈmīn(d)-fəl-nəs  \ Definition of mindfulness 1: the quality

Many of you do not know who this man is - George Mueller. But please read the following excerpt from my book - Your Life Matters. I hope it inspires you, as it did me. George Mueller In college, I studied about George Mueller. He became one of my heroes. If you haven't heard of him, Mueller


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