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Dr Cliff Robertson, Jr

Guardian Angels – Are They Real?

Do we really have “Guardian Angels”? Are they biblical? And if they are real, what exactly do they do? The Bible talks a great deal about angels and some of their activities. What inspired me to write about this topic is one of my favorite passages in the Bible – – Psalm 34:7

Someone Does Watch Over You!

Someone Does Watch Over You!

“The angel of the Lord encamps about around those that fear Him, and he delivers them.” NIV

So what does that mean? Well, if we put it into context with King Hezekiah, it’s pretty startling. He was having to deal with overwhelming odds. The King of Assyria had come with an army that had steamrolled the rest of the surrounding nations. They had in fact taken the Northern Territory of Israel into captivity. Hezekiah had no human army that could match this huge opposing force. So he did what all men of God should first – He prayed. But he didn’t pray by himself – he went to the prophet Isaiah and they prayed to God. God sent a message to the King by way of His prophet that basically said – I got this!

That next morning, 185,000 Assyrian soldiers were slaughtered by none other than – THE ANGEL OF THE LORD!

That is the kind of power you have with you. Not only does He promise you to have your back, God makes a special reference to our children – Jesus tells us,

among us“Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in Heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father.” Matthew 18:10 KJV

I know for you parents out there, this is a special passage to you. I know that it is to me.

The Bible also tells us that –

“[Referring to angels] Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minster to those who shall be heirs of salvation?” Hebrew 1:14 KJV

SO they are indeed our guardians. One last thing, while all these beautiful pictures show angels with wings and flowing garments, that may not always be the case –

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.”     Hebrews 13:2

So your angel may be your friend next door that you have to help out all the time or the beggar on the street that always looks you right in the eye. You know there is something about that person …. that’s different. He may have been sent by God to test and strengthen you in your walk through service to others. There is a song that speaks of one who says – “I’ll be the angel by your side….” Maybe we need to serve others like that was our primary mission in life – just like it is for our guardians.

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Transformed by the Grace of God. Writer, Preacher, Teacher, Father, Servant and Child of the Most High! Currently Writing - The Transformation Project. It's my story of how God leaned into my pit and changed my life.


  • August 6, 2015

    Yes! My daughter Erin and I believe in Angels! In fact she has seen hers 2 times, the first time @ age 6, she says he told her that her Grandad was going to be okay (he had been visiting but had to return home early due to illness) and then the Angel visited again but I was in the room, she never said what he said or did other than he was behind me.
    I believe children are more open to their visitations than we are and that’s why they see them more often.
    My neighbor’s kid across the street just had the same type of visitation 2 weeks ago, same scenerio, ill grandfather, her Mom is a doctor and she told her “mama, the Angel told me this morning that Grandad is going to be fine, quit worrying! Callie is 7! No doubt in her mind!

  • September 4, 2015

    Just wanted to update you on the neighbor’s granddad’s surgery, not a simple surgery mind you, came out really good, just as the Angel told Callie and he’s getting ready to go home from hospital!!! If only we adults could have the fearlessness of a 7 year old!


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